Our 6th Year of Fabulous Flash!

Flash Fiction Forum Reading Series: August 21, 2019


Authors & Works:

Tania Martin, “Old Habits”

Kevin Arnold, “That Night In Palo Alto”

Marilyn Horn, “Christmas Card,” from her Last Letter’s collection published by Thinking Ink Press

Bill Kalogeros, “Ken’s Bootcamp Letter to Barbie”

Larry Hollist, “Hashtag Eleven Year Old”

José Gonzalez, “Throw,” published in 2019 Red Wheelbarrow

Elizabeth Cooney (read by Caitlyn Slavich), “No Crying on Market Street”

Collin Park, “Wednesday With Poppy”

Monica McHenney, “Octopus Interlude”

Dave Denny,  “All the Daughters of Song are Brought Low,” from his fiction collection, Sometimes Only the Sad Songs Will Do, coming out this Fall.

Bob Dickerson, “Hippies Need Money Too”

Ken Weisner, “Ranch Work,” and “All-You-Can -Eat,” from the collection Anything on Earth

Mel Carlson (read by daughter, Susannah Carlson), “Horse Piss”


May’s Flash Fiction Forum Reading Series

Authors and Works

Claire Hawkins, “First Shift”

Lucy Greever, “Costco”

Lita Kurth, “Mrs. Swanson, Third Grade Teacher’

Aria Kowel, “Finding Dead Things and Other Unfortunate Ocean Events”

Mark Deem, “Anvil’s Ring”

Kim Johnson, “Despite the Temptation of Silence, I Have Flooded Your Answering Machine with Prayers”

Jean Znidarsic, a novel excerpt from, “Frangipani

Lisa Rosenburg, three related poems, “Message,” “From the Office of Government Security,” and “Space”

Maria Judnick, “Silicon Valley Barbie” *

Carol Park, “Natural Barbie”

Lorenz Dumuk, “Masculinity”

Dana Bainbridge, “Clergy Barbie” *

Michelle Myers, “Catholic Lefty Activist Barbie” *

Anne Sconberg, ” Marriage”

* Works from The Barbie’s That Never Were Series


Our March Reading Series

Authors and Works:

Renee Jenkins-Schell, “Rape Victim Barbie

Marilyn Horn-Fahey, “Surfer”

Ilza Duarte, “Do Not Break the Rules”

Liz Nguyen, “A Basket on the Yangtze”

Kevin Arnold, “Shimko”

Dorothy Coover, “Still Life With Wife”

Tania, “While You Were Sleeping”

Jade Bradbury, “Time to Watch Your Back: Homewrecker Barbie”

Rob Davidson, “Hoover Dam” and “The Stories We Tell Ourselves” from Spectators: Flash Fictions, Five Oaks Press, 2018

Barbara Anderson, “Arrival”

Monica McHenny, : “Anticipation Stakes,” “Dry Lightning,” “Wear Flats,” and “Anticipation Waiting”

Kevin Sharp, “Coffins”

January’s Luminous Lineup

Our January show featured tremendous talent. The weather was cold and wet and yet new and familiar faces filled the chairs.  Tania Martin missed co-hosting with Lita Kurth due to a troublesome appendix, but Eva Smith-Glynn donned a trench-coat and fedora and stepped up to the podium. Thanks, Eva!

Authors & Work:

Mel Nicholson, “The Spot”

Lita Kurth, “Bride of Science”

Colleen McKee, “The 59-Cent Pad of Paper” published in Memoir Pooland in  the chapbook, My Hot Little Tomato(Cherry Pie Press)  ColleenMcKee.Blogspot.com

Dave Eisbach, “Shrinking” published in Entwined collection, 2018.

Ellaraine Lockie, “No California Cuisine” published in Where the Meadowlark  Sings, winner of 2014 Encircle Press Chapbook Contest

Christine Kalife, “Hands Like Wild Salmon”

Rob Pesich, “Black Cat Alchemy”

Vinnie Lopez, “Listen to the Good Night”

Shannon Rose Riley, “Shh” commissioned for an exhibition at Arc  Gallery in San Francisco,  https://www.ncwca.org/f213-exhibition.html

Keiko O’Leary, “Chemistry Class,” KeikoOLeary.com

Hugh Behm-Steinberg, “Lifeguards”




October 10th Reading Series

Our October 10th show was riveting! The readings fluctuated from gut wrenching accounts of the heart to hilarious recollections of misfortune. Here’s the fabulous  line-up of our October 10th show:

1.     Tania Martin, “Apollo and Aphrodite Cut the Line”

2.     Kimy Martinez, “Before I Met My Mom”

3.     Ann Harleman “History for the First Time”

4.     Al Preciado, “The Insistence of Memory”

5.   Leslie Hoffman, “Hereafter Musings,” published in BellaOnline Literary Review, 2017 Spring Equinox Issue

5.     Donnelle C. McGee, excerpts from “Hey You” forthcoming from Unbound Content

6.     Deborah Kennedy, “Natural Revenge”

7.     Mike Karpa, “Chili Dog”

8.     Carol Park, “Round the Table”

9.    Claire Hawkins, “Percy Jones”

10.   Nancy Devine, “In the Beginning, There Was Risk”

11.   Susannah Carlson, “The Night You Remember”

Our 5th Anniversary Show Was So Much FFFing Fun! Our Readers Rocked a Packed House

Authors and Works:

Hugh Behm-Steinberg, “Bibles” published in Atticus Review.

Jade Bradbury, “What’s Sauce for the Goose”

Elizabeth Nguyen, “T-T-T-Telephone”

Sarah Hinkle, “Family Aptitude Test”

Lita Kurth, “Bed Bath and Beyoncé”

Anne Sconberg, “Gin and Thin”

Bob Dickerson, “Stagecraft”

Tarn Wilson, “A Single Mother’s Survival Guide: Money”

Rob Pesich, “Apologies to “Caenorhabditis elegans”

Michelle Myers, “Hair”

Tara Ganguly, “Yes I’m Getting a Puppy”

Bill Kalogeros, “Flight Behavior”

Jared Nardone, “Number of Life” published in Red Wheelbarrow2018

Heidi Eisips, “Mechoniot” (Cars)


Under Reconstruction!

I recently moved our website to a new host, and in the process, I lost some files, mainly my posts from 2016-2018. I hope to reconstruct the main content and media from that time period.

Thanks for your patience!


We had a fabulous group for March 4th

We are so grateful to all our fabulous readers. The works we had last night were outstanding!

Authors & Works:

Juliet Halprin Jackson, co-founder and co-curator, Play On Words, “Yells in the Night” and “Thanksgiving in Space” https://playonwordsssj.wordpress.com/

Betsy Miller, “Falling” www.ThinkingInkPress.com

Marilyn Fahey, “Elephant,” published in Dragonfly Press ezine, DNA, January 2015, http://www.dragonflypress-ca.com/dragonfly-ezine/

Renée M. Schell, “Destination Vienna”

Tommy Mouton, former Steinbeck Fellow, “Turnbow”

Tarn Wilson, “The First Time I Was Drunk,” Excerpt from memoir, The Slow Farm, Ovenbird Books, 2014 tarnwilson.com

Lita Kurth, “The Bride”

Michael Karpa, Excerpt from Between Countries, www.mikekarpa.com

Victoria M. Johnson, “The Girls’ Room” published in Three, PushPen Press, 2014 http://VictoriaMJohnson.com