Thanks to all who helped make our May 11th reading series such a stellar event. Our hybrid Zoom/Gallery platform is proving to be a winner and a Covid-19 silver lining. It’s so great that our Zoom readers can hear an audience applause their work, and so fun for folks in the gallery to see readers projected up on the wall from all over the greater Bay Area, other States, and sometimes other countries. It truly is remarkable, and we have to thank Joe Miller of Works/SJ for providing this technology.

Authors & Works:
- Ann Harleman, “Report From the Midlife Dating Wars”
- Aline Soules, “The Axe”
- MJ Pramik, “The Lost Purse”
- Cyn Nooney, “It’s Your Move”
- Keiran Langer, “Blue Butterfly”
- Jacqueline Doyle, “Blue Butterfly”
- Diane Ichikawa, “The Weight of Bronze”
- J. Gibson Davis, “A Pen”
- Tania Martin, “Jawbreaker”
- Lisa Rosenberg, “Confessional Poet” published in The Satirst
- Niles Reddick, “The Air That I Breathe” published in Snow Leopard and later by Bridge Publishing (UK)
Submissions are open for our August 10th reading series