Jan Berkeley, “Double Fantasy”
Victoria M. Johnson, “Thirteen Things toDo on Friday the 13th”
Emily Breunig, “For the Children,” an excerpt from her novel, A Ghost at The Edge of the Sea
Jessica Barksdale Inclan, “He Grabbed Me,” published in KneeJerk Magazine, Oct., 2013
Celia Stahr, “Detriot: Independence Day, 1932” drawn from a larger work in progress, Frida Kahlo in America: A Mexican Artist’s Cross-Cultral Journey Into the Unknown
Donnelle McGee, “Homecoming,” an excerpt from his new book, NAKED, due out in spring from small press Unbound Content
Marilyn Fahey, “Last Letter”
Allison Landa, “Creation,” published in Toasted Cheese and nominated for a Micro Award.
Leslie E. Hoffman, “Cecile Street,” first published in PenhouseInk’s Remembering Our Future
Lita Kurth, “Wow. Wolf,” published under a pseudonym in an undisclosed location
Leah Browning, “Touch,” first published in Wigleaf, Sept. 2012, http:wigleaf.com
Renee M. Schell, “Suburban Fantasy”