Authors & Works:
- Eileen Vorbach Collins, Excerpt from “My Life as a Jewish Imposter” from the collection Love in the Archives forthcoming in fall, 2023 by Apprentice House Press.
- Susan Rogers, “By the Fire of Gracie” People’s choice winner at Writers in Paradise conference.
- Robert Dzik, “The Cigarette Ballet” People’s choice winner at Writers in Paradise conference.
- Niles Reddick, “Torpor” published in The South Shore Review in Nova Scotia as part of National Flash Fiction Day and long listed in Los Angeles’ Five South fiction contest.
- Elizabeth Bobst, “Maisie’s Mom” People’s choice winner at Writers in Paradise conference.
- Jan Steckel, “Coon Cat Tuesday” published in The New Verse News, May 27, 2022.
- Sherre Vernon, “Stray”.
- Tania Martin, “Behind the Wheel.”
- Ilze Duarte, “Silver-Haired Dancers,” published by Flash Flood for National Flash Fiction Day, 2022.
- J.M Curét, “Sunday.”
- Hugh Behm-Steinberg, “Customer Service” published in The Pinch Journal, 2023.