Thanks to all who braved the rain to join us in the gallery and to those who watched live from around the country. Your support and camaraderie enrich the Flash Fiction Forum community. A big round of applause for our featured readers!
Author & Works:
1. Jim Daniels, “Comment Card” published in Comment Card (Carnegie Mellon U. Press)
2. Aaron Rabinowitz, “The Sugar”
3. Keith Gaboury, “Don’t Lick the Wallpaper”
4. Christina Hoag, “The Museum Guard”
5. Christine Monihan, “House Hunting”
6. Michelle McGurk “Altitude Sickness”
7. Maria Judnick, “Stitched with Love”: On Thoreau, Knitting, and Rural Minnesota Quilt Auctions.” https://www.scu.edu/cas/initiatives/center-for-the-arts-and-humanities/cah-blog/maria-judnick/blog-posts/stitched-with-love-on-thoreau-knitting-and-rural-minnesota-quilt-auctions-.html
8. Monica McHenney, “Banshee”
9. Tshaka Menelik Imhotep Campbell, “Boll”
10. Tania Martin, “A Moon Madness Diary”
11. Veronica Montes, “Lint Trap” published in the chapbook, The Conquered Sits at the Bus Stop, Waiting (Black Lawrence, 2020)