It’s hot here in California, but our August 12th Zoom show was hotter! We had over 70 folks tuned in to hear our fabulous readers. Thanks to everyone who participated – we love you guys!

Readers and works:

Ashley M. Jones, “Bestiary of Bad Kissers” and “I find the Earring That Broke Loose from my Ear the Night a White Woman Told me the World Would Always Save Her”

Hugh Behm-Steinberg, “Poison”

Colleen Shoshana McKee, “The White Poodle”

Marilyn Fahey, “Shine” forthcoming from Avalon Literary Press

Lita Kurth, “Therapy for Bad Guys”   Lita Kurth Writing Workshops on Facebook

Jessica Zang, “The Chinese Woman’s Book of Pride”

Renee K Nelson,“ Pacific Grove”

Deborah Kennedy, “Cautionary Tale #23: Predictable and Unpredictable Hazards of Aviation”

Gregory A. Kompes, “Middle of Nowhere”

Jan Steckel,“The Wild Capybara of Paso Robles” and “Puppy Love Pop Song”

Victoria M. Johnson, “History Park Nightmare”

Vuong Vu, “War Remnants” published in the premier issue of The Lantern Review


Register for our 2nd Zoom Reading Series – August 12th at 7pm pacific time

Hey Y’all – We have a dynamite show in the works!  It’s free to register on Eventbrite, so don’t delay.

Teaser:  We are proud to be featuring, Ashley Jones, Hugh Behn-Stienburg, Colleen Shoshana McKee, Marilyn Fahey, Lita Kurth, Jessica Zang, Deborah Kennedy, Gregory Kompes, Jan Steckel, Victoria Johnson, and more….

Thanks to everyone who participated in our 1st Zoom Reading Series. It was a meaningful and gratifying night of literary delights!

Our June 17th Zoom reading series was a huge success. We had readers Zooming in from Oakland, California and Auckland, New Zealand. We had readers in Turlock and San Francisco. We had people in our audience from Switzerland, where it was 4am.  It was wonderful to see so many friendly faces, and read all the wonderful comments in the chat feed. We had over 60 people in our audience – thank you for supporting us!

We apologize to anyone who was unable to join our Zoom, or got kicked out for some reason. We are working on solving those issues for our next event on August 12th.

  1. Karlo Mila “Eating Dark Chocolate and Watching Paul Holme’s Apology,” from her collection, Dream Fish Floating, Huia Publishers, 2005.
  2. Allison Landa “Locked Down”
  3. Kim Johnson “Mother I’m Ashamed to Say the Years Were Dandelion Tamers”
  4. Kirstin Chen “In Between”
  5. Jacqueline Doyle “The Lost Umbrella”from The Missing Girl, Lawrence Press, 2017
  6. yves.  from their collection of flash, Something’s Not Right
  7. Tania Martin “High Anxiety at The Zoo”
  8. Cynthia Benson “Another Sunny Day in Paradise”
  9. Katherine Kudriavtsev “I’m Blue Because You’re Not”
  10. Donnelle McGee “Muh Told Me to Swing Hard, Thích Quảng Đức, and Choppers on Adams Boulevard”
  11. Stephen D. Gutierrez “Fragments” from The Mexican Man in His Backyard, Roan Press: Sacrament, CA 2014

In Solidarity: Black Lives Matter

Flash Fiction Forum is an inclusive event and always strives to reach out to diverse voices and people of color.  We would like to take this time to encourage our community to support writers of color, and especially to seek out black writers and poets. Please encourage writers of color, who may not be on our radar, to submit their work to Flash Fiction Forum. We acknowledge that there is always more work to be done to make creative spaces inclusive of all voices.

Flash Fiction Forum from Afar: June 17th, 2020 at 7pm

Zoom in for a live Flash Fiction Forum Reading Series hosted by Works/SJ at eventbrite . Since we’ll be flashing via Zoom, we have decided to feature some fabulous writers from out of town, whom can’t always make their way to San José.

Please register at eventbrite for the link to the show. It’s free.

We are still finalizing our spectacular line-up and will be sending out updates for the show soon.

Stay tuned!

Our March Reading Series – High Art In Uncertain Times

Our March Reading Series transpired in the mist of a health crisis with common sense and high art. Thanks to all those who came out for the show and conducted themselves in a mindful manner. We were greeted with lots of elbow bumps and jazz hands. Our readers put on a great show.

Authors and Works:

Rebekah Bloyd, “At Home, Sympathy for the Urban Chicken”

Barbara Anderson, “Sarah”

Lita Kurth, “What I Heard”

Christine Monihan, “Mother and Her Barbies”

Gary Singh, “Reunited in the Fourth House”

Tshaka Campbell, “Night Crawler”

Gur Rivlin, “West of Eden”

Caitlyn Slavich reading “The Envelope That Changed My Life,” by Sarah Hinkle

Adele Bihn, “Jesus Smokes”

Kim Johnson, “For Anyone Who is Afraid of Cotton Balls”


2020 Flash Fiction! Here’s the Line-up from our January 8th Show


Sarah Kobrinsky, “The Bagel Shop”

Jon Sindell, “Von Schnitzness” published in The Pugilist of Venice, 2019

John Dorrance, “Winged T-Rex”, previously read on KQED

Linda Lappin, “Craving”

Jade Bradbury, “A River Cruise Like No Other”

Tania Martin, “Northland Challengers”

Abhirup Dutta, “The Sensitive Boy”,

Eve DeMarzo, “Fixing Herself”

Michelle Myers, “The Goat”

Monica McHenney, “The Round Up”

Juliette Kilgore, “Someone Else”

Bill Olsen reading, Kirby Wright’s “Ides of March”

Flash Fiction Forum’s October Show – Flash At It’s Best!

October 9th, 2019

Authors and Works:

Rob Davidson, “Author’s Note” published in his collection, Spectators: Flash Fictions

Keiran Langer, Excerpt from her collection, “Big Beach”

Gary Singh, “Melody”

Kristina Robertson, Excerpt from “The Day I Rescued Falkor”

Nancy Devine, “People Can You Hear It,”

Lita Kurth, “Fiction Writer’s Progress” https:/

Julia Halprin-Jackson, “Carwash”

Heidi Eisips, “Mary Jan in the Holy Land”

Laura Nelson, “Conversations”

Karl Chan, “Watershed”

Tarn Wilson, “The Single Mother’s Guide: Take Baths”

Mike Karpa, Excerpt from “Do You Have a Plan?”