FFF Flashing At Filoli

Filoli Gardens invited us up for the day to view the estate and then write some flash to read for their “Stories in Bloom” series. Our venue – the ballroom! We had great time and our readers were fabulous.

Feburary 13th , 2022

Authors & Works:

  • Nancy Devine, “Fantasyland”
  • Marilyn Horn Fahey, “A Stunning Arrangement”
  • Karen Allen, “Gordchen”
  • L.D. Nguyễn, “Magnolia, Everblooming”
  • Tania Martin, “Wisteria”
  • Carol Park, “Running Through Filoli”
  • Tarn M. Wilson, “The Year I Camped in a Mansion”
  • Keiko O’Leary, “Through the Missing Brick”
  • Lita Kurth, “Camellias Without Compassion”
  • Eva Smith Glynn, “Friendship”
  • Maria Judnick Timmons, “A Door of My Own”

Ringing in 2022 with Fabulous Flash!

Authors and Works:

  1. Jim Daniels, “Teta Draga’s Memorial”
  2. Jacqueline Hampton, “Exeter,” published in Visitant, December 19th, 2019
  3. Jill McCabe Johnson, “Last Anniversary” https://jillmccabejohnson.com/index.html
  4. Christine Kalife, “Tell Me, Was it Love?”
  5. Jessica Barksdale, “Ready for Digging”
  6. Gail Folkins, “Bluebonnets”
  7. Susannah Carlson, “If I Keep My Head Up, Looking East,” published in Persian Springs, 2003
  8. Tania Martin, “Go Dawg, Go”
  9. Gary Singh, “Abandoholic” 

Hope you caught our fun January 12th Reading Series. Our planned hybrid Zoom/Gallery show was foiled by a rise in Covid cases, but we had a fantastic turnout for our Zoom event. We loved having first time flashers: Jim Daniels, Jacqueline Hampton, Jill McCabe Johnson, and Gail Folkins in the line-up and welcoming back fabulous flashers: Christine Kalife, Jessica Barksdale, Susannah Carlson and Gary Singh. We had some great post show discussions with those who hung out on Zoom after the readings. Thanks to Joe Miller and everyone for making it a special night!

Our 1st Hybrid Zoom/Gallery Reading Series

Our grand Zoom/Gallery experiment was a lot fun. Even though there were only six of us in the Gallery, all vaccinated with masks on, it was great fun to be back and have clapping and cheering, and a glass of wine together. The Zoom crowd were great fun too – it was awesome to see their faces up on the big screen, reading their work with the great sound system Joe Miller has configured in the gallery. I can’t wait for the next show!

October 13th, 2021

Authors and Works:

1. Adele Bihn, “Belovèd.”

2. Jim Heynen, “Buster’s Eyes.”  http://www.jimheynen.com

3.  yves., “The Lover Rises from the Abyss.”

   https://yvesdot.tumblr.com,  Lover has been published on there for free!

4.  Kathleen Flenniken, “1973” from her collection Post Romantic, 2020. 

5.  John Dorrance, “First-Person Fisherman.” 

6.   Dave Eisbach, “House of Blackberries.” 

7.  Alex Peterson, “Territory,” published in sparkle+blink #80.  alexpeterson.net 

8.  Lita Kurth, “Home. Away From Home.”

9. Dave Denny, “Recluse.” http://www.daviddenny.net/

10. Aline Soules, “Fragile Horses,” forthcoming in Flash Fiction Magazinehttps://alinesoules.com

11. Julie Kitzenberger, “Whatever Feels Right.”  www.JulieKitzenberger.com

12.  Linda Lappin, “Little Green Man.”

Here’s August’s Sensational Line-up

Thanks to all our wonderful readers and our audience members for making it a special night!

Works/SJ Gallery – Live Zoom from San José, CA August 11th 2021   7pm

  1. Riham Adly, “How to Tell a Story from the Heart in Proper Time” published in Flash Frontier and included in Best Microfiction, 2020
  2. Cheryl J. Fish, “Grade Book” published in Cheap Pop
  3. Calder Lowe, “Gas Station Redemption” originally appeared in The Light on His Feet, read by Eva Smith Glynn
  4. Jade Bradbury, “Stella Passing”
  5. Carol Park, “Brute” CarolPark.us
  6. Ida Soon-Ok, “Micro-Elegy” forthcoming in the anthology Nonwhite and Woman, September 2022
  7. Mercury-Marvin Sunderland, “In. And Out”
  8. Melissa Flores Anderson, “Catfish” melissaandersonwrites.wordpress.com
  9. Tony Press, “At the Station” published in The Linnet’s Wings and the collection, Crossing the Lines
  10.  Zephaniah Sole, “The Universal Cockroach,” forthcoming in Vestal Review. Twitter @ZephaniahSole
  11. 11.Victoria M. Johnson, “Good Riddance, Mary,” forthcoming in Caesura
  12. Tania Martin, “Exiles”

May’s Fabulous Flash

May 12th 2021
Authors & Works:

  1. James Roderick Burns, “Stealing Wignal,” forthcoming in the May 2021 edition of Button Eye Review.
  2. Shelagh Johnson, “Jump,” forthcoming in Lily Poetry Review.
  3. R.C. Ducantlin, “Down the Lane”  https://www.rcducantlin.com/
  4. Susan Nordmark, “Clown Nose” 
  5. J. M. Curet, “Flagged” https://www.facebook.com/jm.curet/
  1. Nils Peterson, “Finding the Right Word”
  2. Jason Schwartzman “The Person Who Will Change Your Life” 
  3. Claire Hawkins, “Country Life”
  4. Kim Amundson, “Blog Post Blood Sport”  
  5. Lita Kurth, “My Horoscope AKA Signs” forthcoming in Cobalt Review
  6. Lisa Rosenberg “The Fish Coasters” Website: http://www.lisarosenberg.com/
  7. Tom Herndon, “Mom”
  8. Rob Davidson, “Blackbirds at Dusk” from Spectators: Flash Fictions (Five Oaks, 2017). Website: robdavidsonauthor.net

In Memoriam: Anthony So

The news of Anthony So’s passing just came to our attention. He died in his home in San Francisco on Dec. 8th 2020. He was wildly talented and only 28th years old. He read for Flash Fiction Forum back in August of 2015. His story “The Shop,” about his Khmer father, still resonates with us. His book “Afterparties” is forthcoming in August 2021.



The Marvelous “13” of our March 10th Reading Series


  1. Mark Blickley, “Six Pounds of Sin,” published in Dream Streams: a collaboration with fine arts photographer Amy Bassin. 
  2. Cyn Nooney, “How to Treat a Minor”
  3. Monica Raymond, “Photographer”
  4. Tania Martin, “The Refrigerator”
  5. Karen Allen, “He Said, She Said”
  6. Len M. Ruth “Inferno.” Website: http://lenmruth.com/
  7. Julia Halprin-Jackson, “Six Stages of Office Doldrums”
  8. Anita Felicelli, an excerpt from “Time Invents Us” published in Alta’s Fall, 2020 Issue Website: http://www.anitafelicelli.com
  9. Kevin Sharp, “Jasmine, February 14,” originally published on Everyday Fiction. Website: http://www.kevinsharpwriter.com
  10. John Dorrance, “Lucy’s Descent”
  11. Leah Mueller – “Plunging Downward,” first published in Flash Fiction Magazine. twitter.com/leahsnapdragon
  12. Josef LeMoine, “Woman”
  13. Chella Courington, “Showtime,” published in Potato Soup Journal (August 12, 2020). Website: chellacourington.net

Bringing in 2021 with Freaking Fabulous Flash



  1. James Roderick Burns, “Depth Charges”
  2. Buzz Mauro, “God’s Quilt” http://willowspringsmagazine.org/prose/fractions-buzz-mauro/
  3. Barbara Saxton, “Getting Religion”
  4. Julian Parayno-Stoll, “The Jar”
  5. Lita Kurth, “Butt’s Together”, excerpt from piece published in OyeDrum.com
  6. Susan Kuchinskas, “The Pleaser” http://kuchinskas.com/books
  7. Jade Bradbury, “Silencio”
  8. Gillian Ebersole, “Alternate Universe in Which I am Unafraid of my Mother” forthcoming in The Water Between Us (Headmistress Press) https://gillianebersole.com/
  9. Jenn Solgaard, “Sundress”
  10. Carol Park, “The Best Yet”
  11. Mercury Marvin Sunderland, “Merlin and the Sudsy Sink”
  12. Nathan Nicolau, “Something About Hell, Fury, and Scorn”


Thanks to Everyone Who Participated and Joined Us for Another Amazing Night of Flash! We Love This Community!

Here’s Our Fabulous Fall Line Up!


Authors and Works:

Gregory Kompes, “Beyond Words”

John Dorrance, “Too Much is Personal”

Tania Martin, “The Breach”

Adele Bihn, “A Flawed Animal”

Ann Hillesland, “California Turnaround”

Anshu Johri, “Not One of Us”

Tarn Wilson, “City Mother”

Leah Mueller, “Safe at Home”

Keiko O’Leary, “Ghost Window”

Ken Weisner “Call Center Songs & Too Big to Care”

Lisa Rosenberg, “Forbidden to Throw Stones in the Sea” & “The Village”