Our grand Zoom/Gallery experiment was a lot fun. Even though there were only six of us in the Gallery, all vaccinated with masks on, it was great fun to be back and have clapping and cheering, and a glass of wine together. The Zoom crowd were great fun too – it was awesome to see their faces up on the big screen, reading their work with the great sound system Joe Miller has configured in the gallery. I can’t wait for the next show!
October 13th, 2021
Authors and Works:
1. Adele Bihn, “Belovèd.”
2. Jim Heynen, “Buster’s Eyes.” http://www.jimheynen.com
3. yves., “The Lover Rises from the Abyss.”
https://yvesdot.tumblr.com, Lover has been published on there for free!
4. Kathleen Flenniken, “1973” from her collection Post Romantic, 2020.
5. John Dorrance, “First-Person Fisherman.”
6. Dave Eisbach, “House of Blackberries.”
7. Alex Peterson, “Territory,” published in sparkle+blink #80. alexpeterson.net
8. Lita Kurth, “Home. Away From Home.”
9. Dave Denny, “Recluse.” http://www.daviddenny.net/
10. Aline Soules, “Fragile Horses,” forthcoming in Flash Fiction Magazine. https://alinesoules.com
11. Julie Kitzenberger, “Whatever Feels Right.” www.JulieKitzenberger.com
12. Linda Lappin, “Little Green Man.”